Clump forming semi-decidious perrenial with strap-like leaves and clusters of tubular flowers that form on tall flowering stalks.
The plants form thick clumps of long strap-shaped evergreen leaves, which stand upright to 1.5 metres. From October the flowering stems appear tall and strong above the leaves, often 8 or more stems growing from each clump.
Chasmanthe floribunda is a hardy, summer-deciduous, winter-growing, bulbous plant with tall, sword-shaped, light-green leaves arranged in a fan-shape. It grows well in summer rainfall areas, although it occurs naturally in winter rainfall areas (Western Cape). The leaves die back in November and start growing again in March.
Clivia miniata is a clump-forming perennial with dark green, strap-shaped leaves which arise from a fleshy underground stem. The flowering heads of brilliant orange (rarely yellow), trumpet-shaped flowers appear mainly in spring but also sporadically at other times of the year. The deep green, shiny leaves are a perfect foil for the masses of orange flowers.
Crocosmia aurea is a hardy, deciduous perennial bulb with bright star shaped orange or yellow flowers and sword-shaped leaves arranged in a fan. They do not need to be lifted annually and grow in semi-shade and sun.
A fast-growing, bulb with long, narrow, strap-like, slightly fleshy leaves strongly smelling of garlic when crushed. Small bright purple-pink flowers bloom at the tips of long, thin stems.
A semi-hardy, deciduous clump-forming plant that sends out fans of up to eight long, glossy, bright green leaves in autumn.
a very hardy, evergreen, clump-forming perennial with big, heart-shaped leaves. It has one distinctive large, white, cone-shaped petal and a central column which carries the tiny flowers and the yellow pollen.