Box Tree Co.


Types of Shrub plants

Abelia grandiflora

Glossy abelia is a semi-evergreen shrub with arching branches clothed with small glossy oval, dark green leaves and clusters of white bell-shaped flowers.

Abelia grandiflora francis mason

A semi-evergreen shrub with lance-shaped yellow leaves centrally blotched with dark green, and clusters of funnel-shaped, slightly fragrant, pale pink flowers from mid summer.

Acmadenia heterophylla

A dense, spreading shrub from the Western Cape coastal fynbos. It has small, aromatic leaves and bears pink, star-shaped flowers from December to April. It makes a useful ground cover and is good in containers, rockeries or as a general garden plant.

Aloysia citrodora

Aloysia citrodora is a shrub with wide arching branches and narrow lance-shaped, stongly lemon-scented, green leaves.

Annastrabe intergerima

It can be grown either as a large shrub to create a wind barrier or screen, add height to divide the garden space, provide a backdrop in a mixed bed or it can be pruned up into a small tree. This multi-stemmed evergreen shrub to small tree grows between 3 and 5 m in height within a garden setting. The pale grey/brown bark often has a few little growths on the surface.

Asparagus densiflorus

Asparagus densiflorus are extremely versatile perennial, evergreen plants that can be used as groundcovers or container plants in full sun or light shade. They have very small, hardly noticeable spines and are excellent garden plants.

Barleria obtusa

Barleria obtusa is multi-stemmed shrublet with a sprawling habit. The branches have an erect or decumbent habit. The size of the plant varies when planted in different growing environments.

Bauhinia galpinii

Bauhinia galpinii is a hardy, deciduous, drought and frost resistant rambling shrub or climber with bi-lobed leaves that look like butterfly wings, bearing bright red flowers from summer to late autumn.

Buxus sempervirens faulkner

A dense, compact, evregreen shrub with a lush foliage of small, rounded, dark green leaves. The foliage retains colour year round, becoming bronze-tinged in the winter.

Carissa macrocarpa

The amatungulu is a fast-growing, ornamental shrub that is wind resistant and can grow in coastal areas. It usually forms a dense thorny shrub but it can grow into a small tree. This species has Y- shaped thorns; the young branches are green and all parts of the plant exude a white, milky, non-toxic latex.

Coleonema alba

An aromatic evergreen shrub with masses of white flowers in winter and spring. Branching occurs from the base of the shrub. Bark is greyish-brown, rough with horizontal leaf scars. The inflorescence is solitary, axillary and crowded at the branch tips.

Coleonema pulchellum

Coleonema pulchellum is an erect, evergreen shrub. It forms a single stem at the base, from where numerous slender, erect branches grow. The flowers are solitary, terminal on short branchlets or axillary on reduced branchlets, often crowded towards the tips of the branches.

Cuphea mexicana

Cuphea are low growing, dense shrubs, very well suited for filling beds, creating borders and edging,and work perfectly well to create “mini” hedges. They are hardy shrubs and tolerate drought well, although frequent watering will create lush and plentiful foliage.

Dovyalis caffra

The leaves of Kei apple are glossy and oval with a leathery feel. The bark is rough, corky, white to pale grey and is longitudinally fissured with strong straight spines on the branches. 

Duranta gold

This popular and easy to grow evergreen plant has beautiful yellow leaves which make a showy border plant.

Eriocephalus africanus

Eriocephalus africanus is a hardy, attractive, fast growing evergreen, aromatic, small shrub, with fine, soft, grey, heavily scented leaves. 

Escallonia pink princess

Escallonia ‘Pink Princess’ is a smaller, more compact hybrid that is also suitable for use as a hedge plant. It produces light pink flowers.

Euryops pectinatus grey

Euryops pectinatus is a fast growing, free flowering shrub that has soft grey-green foliage. It bears bright yellow daisey-like flowers. It grows best in well-drained, well-composted soil in the full sun and flowers most of the year if deadheaded regularly.

Euryops silver sunshine

It is a beautiful, densely and naturally rounded, free-flowering creation of its own making that is eye-catching, with silvery grey foliage and masses of compactly clustered, bright yellow daisy flowers.

Felicia echinata

The branches are almost entirely covered with the shiny, dark green leaves. The stiff little leaves are oval to triangular in shape, pointing downwards away from the stem – almost overlapping each other. The flowers are usually lilac with a bright yellow centre, but white flowers are also occasionally found in the wild.

Freylinia tropica

Freylinia tropica is a beautiful shrub with slender rather loosely spreading branches. It is fairly fast growing and flowers profusely yielding a white or light mauve to bright blue display.

Gardenia thunbergia

Gardenia thunbergia is an evergreen shrub with glossy green leaves, silvery bark and wonderful branching patterns. It produces large white flowers with a sweet scent.

Grewia occidentalis

A fast-growing and hardy evergreen shrub with attractive, glossy, dark green leaves and trailing stems. It bears gorgeous star-like pink flowers with a cluster of prominent, bright yellow stamens. It bears distinctive, edible fruits that are clustered together in a square or cross shape.

Helichrysum crispum

Helichrysum crispum is a hardy, evergreen, dense, very fast-growing, compact perennial with beautiful, dainty, silvery-grey rounded, aromatic leaves.

Heliotropium arborescens

A tender perennial shrub with oval-shaped, dark green foliage and rounded clusters of showy tiney flowers.

Hydrangea macrophylla

A shrub with thick stems and large green leaves. It forms cloud-like tufts of delicate bright coloured blooms.

Hypoestes aristata

Hypoestes aristata is a fast-growing shrub that produces soft, hairy, dark green oval leaves and has attractive lilac, pink, or white  flowers borne in spike-like inflorescences.

Leonotis leonurus

A fast-growing, soft-woody, robust shrub. The bush is comprised of mostly erect branched stems topped with multiple ball-shaped inflorescences which bear the nectar-rich bright orange flowers.

Leonotis ocymifolia

It is a roughly hairy shrub that branches from a thick, woody base and has widely spaced internodes along the stems. The leaves are stalked, ovate to almost round, with toothed margins.

Lessertia frutescens

A very hardy, evergreen, fast growing, sun-loving shrub with lovely silver-grey foliage and striking, large, luminous orange pea-like flowers.

Morella cordifolia

A low-growing, evergreen, spreading shrub that sends out slender branches horizontally that lie along the ground, with upright-growing shoots.

Plectranthus zuluensis

An erect, soft shrub with much-branched, four-angled, hairy stems which are velvety to the touch when young. Its soft, semi-succulent leaves are ovate with coarsely toothed margins and covered with tiny, colourless glands.

Plumbago auriculata

A scrambling shrub which grows in scrub and thicket (valley bushveld). The new growth is bright green, darker when mature. The leaves are thin in texture and have minute gland dots. The flowers for tussle-like clumps.

Podalyria sericea

Podalyria sericea is a small erect shrub with a rounded habit and dense foliage. The leaves are covered with tiny silver hairs giving them a lovely silver sheen.

Rhagodia hastata

The beautiful silvery-grey foliage, which can sometimes turn a rusty shade of red, and white stems always attract the eye. This is a fast grower and a hardy coastal plant that can be pruned into virtually any formal shape.

Rhaphiolepis delacourii pink

Small dense shrub with deep leathery green leaves and rich sprays of pink flowers in late winter and spring. Flowers appear on plant over a long period.

Rhaphiolepis indica white

Dense shurb with large, rounded, dark green leaves. Sprouts numerous large, white flowers during the spring.

Rosmarinus officinalis

A shrub with small, needle-like, intensely aromatic leaves. The pale dark-green foliage sprouts form woody stems.

Rosmarinus tuscan blue

An attractive evergreen, strongly aromatic shrub with needle-like olive-green leaves and vibrant blue tubular flowers.

Salvia africana lutea

A very hardy, evergreen, small- to medium-sized shrub with aromatic, grey leaves and clusters of unusual brown, funnel shaped flowers.

Salvia chamelaeagnea

Forms a dense shrub, with many strong, upright stems. Leaves are formed opposite each other along the stems and side branches, and often grow in tufts. The bright green leaves are slightly hairy and sometimes the edges are toothed.

Salvia eversage blue

A charming shrublet with spikes of deep blue flowers and aromatic gray-green foliage.

Salvia mirage

A compact, upright, bushy shrub boasting showy racemes of mildly fragrant, two-lipped, deep purple flowers with dark calyces.

Searsia/Rhus crenata

The Searsia Crenata is a spreading and stocky coastal plant with a rounded shape. Its bright-green, small, rounded leaves clump together densely around the woody stems.

Searsia/Rhus crenata "Alex"

Similar to the better known searsia crenata, but the “Alex” variant has larger, evenly rounded leaves.

Searsia/Rhus lucida

The rough grey to brown bark is slightly fissured. Young reddish brown branchlets are covered in a shiny resin. Its leaves are glossy, with a larger terminal leaflet, slightly leathery, rather sticky and dark olive-green.

Spirea prunifolia plena

A deciduous shrub with dark green foliage. It grows in an upright manner and blooms in clusters of white flowers. In Autumn, the leaves turn deep shades of orange, red and yellow.

Tecoma capensis

It has long, woody stems densely packed with dark-green leaves. It boasts spikes of large trumpet-like flowers with deep vibrant colours.

Trachelospermum jasminoides

A lively, medium-sized shrub with glossy, oval shaped, dark-green leaves. Little star-shaped flowers can be found peppered amidst the foliage.

Trachelospermum jasminoides variegata

A bicolour variant of the star jasmine. It has glossy, dark-green leaves with a cream coloured rim along the edges. Small, star shaped flowers bloom atop narrow stems.

Westringia fruticosa

A hardy, evergreen shrub with grey-green, needle-like leaves, similar to those of rosemary. Small flowers sprout from the woody stems during Spring and Summer.